Is Social Media Defining or Distorting the Meaning of Success?

By Ivy Nyamvumba | October 25th, 2017

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Defining or Distorting Success?

Success is oftentimes equated with monetary gain. Whilst some of the most successful people have accumulated mass amounts of wealth and fame, some have acquired one or the other or none at all. However, that does not mean they are not successful. Success is subjective to each individual and somehow society has collectively entrenched the perception that success is measured by wealth of monetary value. So far as to define success as “the attainment of wealth, position, honor, or the like.” (Dictionary) Could social media be aiding this distorted perception?

The Deception in Social Media

Social media has allowed people to display their lives to millions of other social media users. While this is a breakthrough in technology, being able to communicate and keep up with people from miles away. There are downsides to this breakthrough, one being that people only tend to share the ‘good’ stuff and omit the bad. Sharing the good stuff such as vacation trips, shopping sprees, luxury cars, and accessories. This conjures up the image that people are living a life of luxury and freedom because they are successful. As a result, people who spend a great deal of time on social media looking at these posts strive to be this kind of ‘successful’. What they fail to realize is the deception behind some of these posts. Some accounts use online stock photos of ‘luxury goods’ and present them as their own when in reality they don’t have any of it. In other cases, some people only post the ‘goods’ and omit the years of hard work, sleepless nights, and the struggle they had to go through to get to where they are now.

These posts make ‘success’ look fun and easy and most importantly rich. What tends to happen is people tend to start comparing themselves to these other ‘successful’ people online. This is detrimental to one’s self-esteem. The comparison leads to judgment as well as feeling as though they do not measure up and are inadequate. This is important to realize because what they are comparing themselves to can oftentimes be fictitious.

Success is Your Truth

The true meaning of success goes beyond how the dictionary or society defines it. Only you can define it.  In order to be successful one must have goals or a vision and set up a strategy or plan on how to achieve it. If your struggle lies in defining or finding success, then the first step is to ask yourself what truly matters, and what is the most meaningful thing in the world. It varies for everyone, and once you figure it out you are one step closer to achieving it. The road to success might be long and hard, but it can also be fulfilling and rewarding. It doesn’t matter how you define success, it is what you do to become successful that ultimately defines you. To quote Thomas Edison, “Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.”


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How do you define success? We’d love to know, comment below or let us know on our social media!



Lebowitz, Shana. “12 rich, powerful people share their surprising definitions of success.” Business Insider, Business Insider, 22 Mar. 2017.
