1. How much does rBux take/charge?
rBux charges in between 3–4% for most sales. Although it varies according to the price of the product. Please view the commission table below to understand how our percentage applies to your products.
2. Can I see the commission rates for all products and price ranges?
Please see commission table.
3. How is the referral fee calculated?
The fee is calculated based on (a) your product’s price and (b) your selected referral fee. Please note that the product price is the amount listed on your single product page and does not include tax and shipping.
4. Can I use rBux for low margin items?
Referral fees start at 4% (rBux take) and increase depending on the percentage you wish to reward your referral users. rBux is best used for products that use keystone pricing (margin of 50%) or are high-margin. There may be instances where retailers are able to sell low-margin, high-volume using rBux, but we leave that up to the retailer to decide.
5. What should I set my referral fee percentage as?
rBux allows you to choose your referral fee percentage. This means that you could give 5% or 30% to customers for referral-sales. It’s up to you what that percentage is. The obvious statement here is that a high percentage will cut into your margins, but a low percentage will undermine the incentive and you may get fewer customers referring your products. We recommend experimenting with the referral amount and would suggest that between 10%–15% is a good starting point. Please note: that rBux fee is applied in addition to the referral fee, so if the referral fee was 11% and the rBux fee was 4%, the total would be 15%.
6. If I am paying a referral/affiliate fee to customers or affiliates, do I still get paid in full or does the percentage come out of my total?
The full total is paid to you. rBux then invoices you at the end of the month. Prompt payment is appreciated as this payment pays both rBux and the affiliate. Up until this point, the affiliate has rBux in their account, but they cannot be redeemed or cashed out until there is money to support these rewards.
7. rBux is a free app. Why is there a section for payment details?
rBux does not charge a monthly fee, but when referral sales occur via our system, rBux takes a small percentage as a fee. This fee supports our platform, which (1) tracks how your products are shared online (2) automatically distributes rewards to users (3) serves as a tool to manage your referral users (4) empowers your customers to refer and sell on your behalf (5) provides email campaign support to nurture referral users (6) provides a dashboard for referral users to track performance (7) provides a dashboard for E-Commerce Partners to customize their referral program and collect data, to name a few things.
It’s important to understand that rBux is focused on “performance marketing”. Our model relies primarily on generating revenue from successful transactions. In other words, “our company makes money, when we make you money” and you share your profit after a referral-sale occurs, not before.
8. In financial information, I get why there is a payment option to make payments but why is there a payment option to receive payments?
rBux are redeemable. Our rBux Members can redeem their rBux at your store and get your products at a discounted price or for free. It’s IMPORTANT that you know that rBux reimburses you for rBux that are redeemed. An example of this would be if a customer uses 10 rBux to buy one of your products, but we have not driven you any referral sales that month. In this case, we would owe you 10 rBux (or $10 USD) and that’s why you need to be able to receive payments.
9. Can I reward my referral users, affiliates and influencers with gift cards, cash or products?
Currently, rBux rewards users in rBux, which they can redeem for products and cash out. We find this is sufficient to run an effective rewards program.
If you feel strongly about rewarding in other ways, email us at Support.