Brand Assets
Thank you for your interest in rBux. We have a few guidelines for using our brand resources, please take a moment to familiarize yourself with them. You can download individual assets in each section or download the full rBux branding package. Use the button below to Download All Assets.
The rBux logo is red with a lowercase “r” and orange “Bux” with an uppercase “B”. The ™ is located in white in the bottom right corner of the X.
Additional Logos
Preferred Versions
Other Versions
Provide plenty of space around the rBux logo and the additional Logos. Make them big, make them small, just give them the chance to breathe and not feel cluttered.
Alter these files in any way. Thank you.
What Should I Use?
If you are targeting an audience that’s unfamiliar with rBux, where “rBux” isn’t written or said, use the primary branded logo.
If the audience you’re speaking to is familiar with rBux, feel free to use our additional logos to represent the brand in a design that complements your website.